The closest I’ve found to what you’re looking for (I’m looking for the same thing) is talk about a future patch, here: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/2594.
Unfortunately, it looks like there’s not much you can do until they merge that patch in.
{% spaceless %}
{% endspaceless %}
I am not aware about any way to discard template tags lines. I’d vote for opening bug report.
For example:
{% for obj in list %}
<li>{{ obj|linebreaksbr|striptags }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Or this, which also strips whitespaces/tabs/etc, between HTML tags:
{{ spaceless }}
{% for obj in list %}
<li>{{ obj }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{{ endspaceless }}
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It is 2016 now, and I think this issue is still present.
In this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQjmz9wCjLA
at around 1:45 a unittest of a template shows that there is a trailing newline on the end of the tag.
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When you write a template, you could open the ul hardcoded in the template and looping trought items en returning there value with the in it.
As far as i know there isn’t a default function for that.
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