[Django]-Can I include partial view in Web2Py, passing specific variables into it?


Interrobang’s answer is correct — variables returned by the controller will be available even in included (as well as extended) views. So, you can do:

In mycontroller.py:

def myfunc():
    return dict(caption='Me', source='http://example.com/img.png')

and then in /views/mycontroller/myfunc.html:

{{include 'image.html'}}

In that case, caption and source will be available in the image.html view. Instead of returning caption and source from the controller, another option is just to define them in the view before the include directive:

{{caption = 'Me'
  source = 'http://example.com/img.png'}}
{{include 'image.html'}}


From the book:

It is also worth pointing out that the variables returned by the
controller function are available not only in the function’s main
view, but in all of its extended and included views as well.

Unless I’m misunderstanding your question, you don’t have to specifically pass the variables– instead, just use them as normal.


To elaborate on Anthony’s answer,
If you need additional variables passed to the view, just include them in the return dict.
In my current project I pass a whole bunch of variables to be used in the view.

return dict(maxsize=5, message='hello world', fadetimeout=10, warning=0)

Also if you need to access certain values in multiple views in your web, you could store them in the session.

session.some_var_i_need_in_multiple_views = ['one', 'two', 'three']

Then access it in the view:


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