You can use XCode to program on Django, as it’s plain Python 2.x and XCode is a good tool for Python.
Make sure that you learn the pythonic constructs before trying to make advanced things with Django, as you might be trying to bend the framework to do some things that the language already does.
I wouldn’t suggest XCode for python/django development – it’s another world. An editor may be sufficient. A list of IDEs for python can be found here: What IDE to use for Python?
- [Django]-How to avoid django "clashes with related m2m field" error?
- [Django]-Encode ImageField in base64 and store it in DB instead of path of the image
- [Django]-Django admin login returns Forbidden 403 CSRF verification failed. Request aborted
- [Django]-Using reverse relationships with django-rest-framework's serializer
- [Django]-Invalid embedded document instance provided to an EmbeddedDocumentField
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- [Django]-Django Import Issue
- [Django]-How to show a django ModelForm field as uneditable
- [Django]-Does Django ModelForm set unspecified fields to empty?
I wouldn’t recommend it even though xcode supports it. The problem is the host of nifty little features which are provided by IDEs like pycharm, eclipse is not present (or atleast not available out of the box) for example inbuilt django support, db integrations, git integration, intellisense, syntax highlighting etc.
I’d definitely recommend PyCharm for Python/Django development.
In fact, why don’t you choose it yourself:
IDEs supporting Python with their pros n cons
- [Django]-Django 1.9: Should I avoid importing models during `django.setup()`?
- [Django]-Redirect realtime common line output to Django HttpResponse
- [Django]-How to update where the files are stored in Django app
- [Django]-Does Neomodel support modelform? If so, why isn't it picking up default meta attributes / how do I set them?
- [Django]-NoReverseMatch in django production server