Yes, you require:
- Python 2.5.2
- Django (svn version at
least 2008-06-05) - CherryPy (web
server) - Py2Exe
PyInstaller has builtin support for Django applications. It will do most of the magic by itself.
- Passing an argument to a custom save() method
- Django ForeignKey which does not require referential integrity?
I recently did this with Django 1.5 and python 2.7. I didn’t embed a webserver, because I really just wanted the ORM.
Here are the options I used in setup.py:
options = {
"includes": ["Cookie","htmlentitydefs"],
- How to disable resize textarea in django?
- Non-queryset data ordering in django-tables2
- Type object 'User' has no attribute 'objects django
- Django generate csv file on view and download
- A Django URLField has fixed max_length as 200 characters