[Django]-Can a django app have more than one views.py?


Views are just python modules, you can do whatever you want, for instance you can change their names to whatever.py as long as your imports are correct 🙂

And as suggested: find more info here Django: split views.py in several files 🙂


Yes, you can. A modular way of splitting would be to create a package – views/

- views/
    - first.py
    - second.py
    - __init__.py

and in your __init.py__ add the following:

from .first import *
from .second import *

This way, all your views would be available for urls.py.


You can totally do that, it is only a convention to use views.py.

Now, the question is: do you really need to create a new file to put your views inside ? Shouldn’t these regrouped in a new application ?

Think of an other person reviewing your code: would the reason of the separation be crystal clear to him ?

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