Call to undefined method illuminate\contracts\pagination\paginator::usebootstrap()

To display the answer as HTML content within a `

` tag, you can use the following code:


When you encounter the error message “Call to undefined method Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\Paginator::useBootstrap()”, it means that you are trying to use the `useBootstrap` method on a `Paginator` instance but this method does not exist in the `Paginator` class itself.


The `Paginator` class in Laravel provides pagination functionality for query results. However, the `useBootstrap` method is not available in the core `Paginator` class. It might be a custom method added by someone or an incorrect method name that you are using.


Let’s assume you have the following code snippet that produces the error:

    $results = SomeModel::paginate(10);

To solve the issue, you need to identify why you are trying to call the `useBootstrap` method and remove it from your code. If you intended to style the pagination with Bootstrap, Laravel already integrates with Bootstrap by default. You just need to render the pagination links using the appropriate Blade directives or helper functions like `links()`.

    // Correct way to render pagination links with bootstrap styling
    {{ $results->links() }}

The `links` method will automatically generate the pagination links with the appropriate Bootstrap classes.


In the above example, the HTML content is structured within a `

` tag. The explanation section provides an explanation of the error, and the example section demonstrates how to properly handle pagination styling with Bootstrap in Laravel.

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