[Vuejs]-Call a function in imported child component on click from a parent element?



Calling child component’s method from parent component

Say you have a child-comp component and want to call its childMethod method from the parent.

Use ref="someVariableName" on the parent’s template and this.$refs.someVariableName on the parent’s JavaScript.

Parent’s template:

<div id="app>
   <child-comp ref="myChild"></child-comp>
   <button @click="callChildMethod">GO</button>

Parent’s JavaScript code:

  data: // ...
  // ...
  methods: {
    callChildMethod: function () {

Calling parent’s method from child

Emit an event in <child-comp> and listen to it in parent.

Parent’s template (listening to an event):

<div id="app>
   <child-comp @eventname="parentsMethod"></child-comp>

Notice that @eventname="parentsMethod" is the same as v-on:eventname="parentsMethod".

Parent’s JavaScript code:

  data: // ...
  // ...
  methods: {
    parentsMethod: function (event) {
      console.log('parent called', event);

Child’s JavaScript code:

  data: // ...
  // ...
  methods: {
    someChildMethod: function () {
      this.$emit('eventname', {some: 'object value'});

Now whenever, at the child, you call someChildMethod it will trigger the event and, since the parent is listening to it, it will execute parentsMethod in the parent.


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