[Vuejs]-Call a function in a different vue component from v-for @click method


The recommended way to approach this in Vue is with emitting custom events or vuex. Seems like you’re looking for the custom event approach. With this method, you would emit a custom event with a payload from component A, listen to that event in the parent component, and then update the prop of component B, and setup a watch in component B that would respond when the prop changes and call a method.

This article explains it well:


The most important parts are:

//emit from component A
this.$emit('update-cart', item)

//setup listener in parent
<componentA @update-cart="updateCart">
updateCart(e) {
    this.total = this.shoppingCartTotal;

//setup componentB with prop from parent
<componentB :total="total">

//have watch in componentB
props: ['total'],
    //call fn with new val

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