This is a really cool idea, but I’m not sure if you can Cache full-on Objects.. I think it’s only attributes
Now this having a point. Grom what I’m seeing from the limited code I’ve seen idk if it does have a point, unless filtering for Jane and John (and only them) is very common. Very narrow.
Maybe just try caching ALL the users or just individual Users, and only the attributes you need
Yes! you are completetly correct, you can cache full on objects- how cool!
I don’t think your example method of queryset = MyModel.objects.filter(id__range=[0,99]).queryset_from_cache()
would work.
but you can do something similar by using Model Managers and do something like: queryset = MyModel.objects.queryset_from_cache(filterdict)
- Natually you can return just the qs, this is just for the example to show it actually is from the cache
from django.db import models
class MyModelManager(models.Manager):
def queryset_from_cache(self, filterdict):
from django.core.cache import cache
cachekey = 'MyModelCache'
qs = cache.get(cachekey)
if qs:
d = {
'in_cache': True,
'qs': qs
qs = MyModel.objects.filter(**filterdict)
cache.set(cachekey, qs, 300) # 5 min cache
d = {
'in_cache': False,
'qs': qs
return d
class MyModel(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
# other attributes
objects = MyModelManager()
Example Use
from app.models import MyModel
filterdict = {'pk__range':[0,99]}
r = MyModel.objects.queryset_from_cache(filterdict)
While it’s not exactly what you wanted, it might be close enough