[Answered ]-Building simlpe django firehose


I don’t really like your approach since when you want to put another object on the firehose you’d need to add a third line (AnotherObject.objects.all … etc ) to all places you need to display that firehose !

For me, the best way to do this is to create a Firehose Model with fields like: date, action (add/delete/update etc) and object (a generic Foreign Key to the object that was changed). Now, whenever you make a change to an object that you want to add to the firehose, you’d add a new instance of the FirehoseClass with the correct field values. Finally, whenever you want to display the firehose you’ll just display all firehose objects.


To combine the lists, you can use create a list by using chain() from itertools, and then sort them by using sorted():

from itertools import chain
combined_lists = list(chain(new_post_list, comment_list))
sorted_combinened_list = sorted(combined_list, key=lambda instance: instance.postdate)

However, as you see, the sorting is only done by using one key. I don’t know of any method to use two different keys when sorting. You could fix this by simply add a property to the Comment class, named postdate that simply returns commentdate. Or, even better, you should use the same name for creation time for all your models, e.g. created_at.

This has been answered earlier and more detailed here: How to combine 2 or more querysets in a Django view?

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