[Vuejs]-Bound style not applying rapid updates to underlying value


as it is vuex state, errors.push may not be triggering the change in computed property, You need to do following to make it work:

errors = [...errors, newError]


Well, using setTimeout() to constrain how quickly new errors are written seems to work. Because in my CSS, the height transition takes 500ms, I don’t think modifying the height again before that 500ms is up works. So I need this code to ensure the array doesn’t change twice within 500ms:

error(context, error) {
    var d = context.state.lastError;
    if (d === null || d < (Date.now() - 500)) {
        context.commit('error', error);
    } else {
        setTimeout(function() {
            context.commit('error', error);
        }, 500);

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