Bootstrap tab is working but the tab content is not showing


You are including the JavaScript, but aren’t targeting the tab elements with it. From the docs, you also need to add in a bit of JavaScript to specifically target those tabs.

Alternatively, you should be able to add data-toggle="tab" to each of your dashboard_menu li elements.


In your code you have:

<ul class="list-inline pull-right" role="tablist">
  <li class="active"><a href="#ussgemonth" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Usage</a></li>
  <li><a href="#coletsmonth" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Monthly</a></li>

But you have no .tab-pane‘s with the id’s: id=”ussgemonth” & id=”coletsmonth”

Not only do you have 2 missing .tab-pane with these ids — since these are nested you have to follow the same structure as the parent.

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