[Vuejs]-Bind value to the link url



You can simply use + to concatenate the strings here since v-link accepts JavaScript expressions:

<a v-link="'people/edit/' + item.id">Edit</a>

v-link is the directive for enabling user navigation in a router-enabled app. It accepts a JavaScript expression which will be passed to router.go() internally.



You can’t use mustaches into the v-link, v-link is basically vanilla js, and mustaches as templating part are not allowed.

If you are using ES2015, you can go with template strings.

<a v-link="`/people/edit/${item.id}`">Link</a>


vlink attribute specifies the color of visited links in a document, it’s not used as you have used it. To create link href is used at place of vlink. Eg below

<a href="people/edit/${item.id}"></a>

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