You don’t need {{ }}
and this.
when binding this way, just do this:
:class="isMobile() ? 'mobile-chip-overflow' : 'chip-overflow'"
and it will work.
When using a .js
file with resusable functions
please consider to use a mixin
. However, if you still do not want to use it, you can import the function
like this:
methods: {
isMobile: import isMobile from './abstract.js',
or even like this:
import abstractFunctions from './abstract.js';
export default {
methods: {
isMobile: abstractFunctions.isMobile,
Depending of how are you exporting
the functions inside abstract.js
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You can make
computed: {
chipClasses: () {
return {
mobile-chip-overflow: this.isMobile(),
chip-overflow: !this.isMobile()
:class="{mobile-chip-overflow: this.isMobile(),
chip-overflow: !this.isMobile()
I’ve done in this second way, and it works.