[Django]-Best practices for deploying a Django app on Heroku


  1. It’s not clear for me whether you want to run unit tests or acceptance tests, but surely I wouldn’t run them in production. (AT’s would mess up your data – if you are doing analytics)
  2. The answer to your second question depends on preferences. The actual continuous integration would mean, that if you push something to master, and it passes every test, then it can go, so it goes live. It’s a nice idea, but what if you want a feature to go live at a specific time, and you don’t want to mess with feature switches? I think a pressing a button is not too painful.
  3. I think bash scripts are good enough to streamline the build (I’m saying this after wasting 2 days on a grunt flow..)
  4. Docker is a great tool for multiple reasons, but if you’re building a single Django app, I think there’s no need to use it. It just makes things even harder (and I guess that would mean +1 thing you are not experienced with yet, so it could potentially cause a lot of headaches)
  5. Be sure that you Django secret is not committed to bitbucket: https://github.com/matyasfodor/todo-django/blob/911614c7e41f58debe4a6369c9f0fa3cad0c52a2/todo/settings.py#L23 (and no other secret is..)

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