Axios synchronous

Axios Synchronous

Axios is a popular JavaScript library that is used for making HTTP requests from a web browser or Node.js. By default, axios makes asynchronous requests, meaning that it does not wait for the request to complete before moving on to the next line of code.

However, there may be situations where you need to make synchronous requests using axios, where you want the code execution to pause until the request is complete. Although axios does not support synchronous requests out of the box, you can achieve synchronous behavior using JavaScript’s async/await feature.

Async/await allows you to write asynchronous code in a more synchronous-looking way. To make a synchronous request with axios, you can use the following approach:

    async function makeRequest() {
      try {
        const response = await axios.get('');
      } catch (error) {


In this example, we define an asynchronous function called makeRequest. Within the function, we use the await keyword before the axios request, which allows the program to pause and wait for the request to complete before moving on. Once the request is complete, the response data is logged to the console.

It’s important to note that using async/await in this way will still make the HTTP request asynchronously under the hood, but it provides a more synchronous-looking code structure. This can be useful when you need to ensure that certain operations are completed before moving on.

It’s also worth mentioning that making synchronous requests can have performance implications, as it may cause the code to block and make the user interface unresponsive. Therefore, synchronous requests should be used judiciously and only when necessary.

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