[Vuejs]-Axios.post("/checkitem/add.do",this.formData).then((res)….gets 404


I always try to find errors in the front end result in forgetting to check up idea’s message, after noticing that I rapidly resolve this problem. The answer is my springmvc’s annotation package is wrong mising the "itheima".

    <dubbo:application name="health_backend" />
    <dubbo:registry address="zookeeper://"/>
    <dubbo:annotation package="com.itheima.controller" />
        超时全局设置 10分钟
        check=false 不检查服务提供方,开发阶段建议设置为false
        check=true 启动时检查服务提供方,如果服务提供方没有启动则报错
    <dubbo:consumer timeout="600000" check="false"/>

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