Axios mode no-cors

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      <h2>axios mode no-cors</h2>
      <p>When using the axios library with the "mode" set to "no-cors", it means that the requests made using axios will not enforce the same-origin policy. This can be useful when making cross-origin API requests.</p>
      <p>By default, browsers enforce the same-origin policy, which means that a web application can only make API requests to its own domain. However, by using the "no-cors" mode, the browser allows cross-origin requests, but with limited functionality.</p>
        axios.get('', {
          mode: 'no-cors'
        .then(response => {
        .catch(error => {
      <p>In the above example, the axios library is used to make a GET request to a cross-origin API endpoint. The "mode" option is set to "no-cors" to allow the request to be made without enforcing the same-origin policy.</p>
      <p>However, when making requests with "no-cors" mode, certain request headers and methods are restricted. The response from the server will also have restrictions, such as limited access to response headers and not being able to access the response body.</p>

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