[Answered ]-Automaticaly downloadable invoice pdf


It’s really two questions. How to generate pdf from data in the DB, and how to deliver it to a web client (browser).

In answer to the second, here’s a view I wrote earlier

from io import BytesIO

def pdfview( request, pk):

    quote = get_object_or_404( Quote, pk=pk)  # object to build pdf from

    pdf = build_pdf( quote)

    iobuf = BytesIO( bytearray(pdf.output( dest='S' ), encoding='latin-1'))

    response = HttpResponse( iobuf, content_type='application/pdf')
            ] = 'inline; filename={}.pdf'.format(quote.quotenumber) 

    # inline; will ask for an immediate display  of the content
    # attachment; will offer options to the user, including save without display
    # exact details are  browser-specific.

return response

As for build_pdf, I was using fpdf

from fpdf import FPDF

def build_pdf( quote):
    pdf = FPDF() 

    # pdf.this( ...)
    # pdf.that( ...)

    # much later, when done
    return pdf


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