[Answered ]-Authorization header in AngularJS not working


Did you check that the token is actually added to your request?

You can do this for example using the Chrome developers tools.

Personally I prefer to use the $httpprovider.interceptor as described in:

angularjs $httpProvider interceptor documentation

This ensures that the tokens are always present on any call.

If you are accessing more than one API, you should consider adding something like:

           $httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q', '$location', '$log', 'loginService', 'restHelperService',
            function ($q, $location, $log, loginService, restHelperService) {
                return {
                    request: function (config) {
                        // check if the request comes with an url
                        if (config.url) {
                            // check that the call is to the REST api, if yes add token
                            if (restHelperService.isRestCall(config.url)) {
                                // add auth header or revert to login
                                if (loginService.userIsLoggedIn()) {
                                    config.headers = config.headers || {};
                                    config.headers.Authorization = 'Token ' + loginService.getToken().token;
                                } else {
                        return config;
                    responseError: function (response) {
                        if (response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) {
                            // clear auth token if the REST call failed with the current token
                            if (response.config && response.config.url && restHelperService.isRestCall(response.config.url)) {
                                $log.debug(" restCall failed due to bad credentials, resetting credentials");
                        return $q.reject(response);

This avoid issues that will arise when you start adding the token to API calls that don’t expect them. Also the code ensures that a user will be automatically redirected to the login page if the credentials are not valid.

The example, I’m using two additional services. A loginService that manages the tokens and a restHelperService that manages the urls of the REST framework.

I would recommend doing the same as else it will be hard to access the credentials from outside your controller.


You need to add Token to the headers:

get($http, "/some_url", {headers: {"Authorization": "Token " + $your_token}}

Response code 401 means Unauthorized. If you are using Token based authentication then in case of fail it would be 403, Forbidden.
So my guess would be that it’s username/password who is messing with it. In your curl example you are not using them.

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