[Fixed]-Attribute error 'LoginForm' object has no attribute 'cleaned_data' where login is carried out by mail and password


You need to call .is_valid() on form before accessing cleaned_data attribute.

There is not calling form.is_valid() in your views.py.
Also there is no populating of your form from POST data, you need to do it with form = LoginForm(request.POST) if your request.method is POST

You can also view the source:

full_clean() is respected for assigning self.cleaned_data, and full_clean() is called by property self.errors in is_valid() method. So you can track from the django source code what is wrong with yours.


You haven’t called form.is_valid().
Inorder to access form.cleaned_data, the form validation should be done first.
Form validation is carried out only when form.is_valid() is called upon the form, which in turn returns a validated cleaned_data.

Also, on request.POST, your form is not getting data, because, for that, you need to initialise your form with request.POST, like

form = LoginForm(request.POST)

The return statement before the last render_to_response would also raise some errors, I presume.

You could read more about form validation here from the docs

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