Attempted import error: ‘usenavigate’ is not exported from ‘react-router-dom’.

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The error message “attempted import error: ‘usenavigate’ is not exported from ‘react-router-dom'” usually occurs when you are trying to import the ‘usenavigate’ function from the ‘react-router-dom’ library, but it cannot be found.

Possible Causes

  • Typo in the import statement
  • Incorrect usage of ‘usenavigate’ or incorrect import from the ‘react-router-dom’ library
  • Version incompatibility between different packages or libraries


To resolve this error, you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have correctly installed the ‘react-router-dom’ library. You can do this by running the command npm install react-router-dom if you are using npm as your package manager. Alternatively, if you are using yarn, you can run yarn add react-router-dom.
  2. Make sure that you are importing ‘usenavigate’ correctly. The correct import statement should look like this:
    import { usenavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
  3. Verify that you are using the correct version of ‘react-router-dom’. Check the version in your package.json file or use the command npm list react-router-dom or yarn list react-router-dom to confirm the installed version.
  4. If you are still experiencing the error, try updating the ‘react-router-dom’ library to the latest version by using the command npm update react-router-dom or yarn upgrade react-router-dom.
  5. If none of the above steps work, consider checking for any conflicting packages or dependencies that might be causing the issue. You can try removing and reinstalling all packages or selectively disabling certain packages to identify the conflict.


Here is an example of a correct usage of ‘usenavigate’ function in a React component:

import React from 'react';
import { usenavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

export default function MyComponent() {
  const navigate = usenavigate();

  const handleClick = () => {

  return (
    <button onClick={handleClick}>Go to New Page</button>

Ensure that you have imported both React and ‘usenavigate’ function correctly at the top of your component file.

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