- [Django]-When running Celery with Django's manage.py command, it returns a strange error
- [Django]-How to get something to appear on every page in Django?
- [Django]-How do I load image to React from Django REST API?
- [Django]-How to do related questions autopopulate
- [Django]-Segmentation fault (core dumped) with django-storages
The asterisks are added when print the field errors as_text. See django/forms/util.py ErrorList for more detail. It is easier to customize the errors if you print them as_ul instead. The ul will be given a class “errorlist”. The Django book has a section on customizing the form errors. Chapter 7 under “Customizing Form Design”: http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter07/
- [Django]-Editable choice field/drop down box in Django forms
- [Django]-Django Administration: Delete record from custom user model
- [Django]-Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration