I’m not sure you can do this. From JSR 168:
If I understand correctly, you want the Django application to take the place of the existing “Java Portal/Portlet Container” in the diagram. Unfortunately, the interface between the portlet container and the individual portlets is using in-memory API calls, not as a Web service. There’s no easy URL-like interface where you can call into the Java piece to get a chunk of HTML which you then incorporate into a Django-served page.
JSR 286 is an update and while it refines the mechanisms for communicating between portlets, as well as serving resources from portlets, it doesn’t really change the above model radically.
I’m not saying it couldn’t be done – just that there’s no easy, standard way to do it.
One way to get around this could be using a WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets, see Wikipedia) producer, that converts a JSR 168/286 into web services and consume them from django. But it seems that WSRP has not been very popular and I couldn’t find any Python platform implementations (although partial works could exist). Beside this, I’m also interested in this topic.