Arduino try catch

The Arduino try-catch statement is used to handle exceptions or errors that may occur during the execution of a program. It allows you to catch and handle exceptions gracefully, preventing your program from crashing or behaving unexpectedly.

Here is an example of how to use the try-catch statement in Arduino:

try {
  // Code that may throw an exception or cause an error
  int result = 10 / 0;  // Division by zero will throw an exception
  // Other code
catch (const char* error) {
  // Handle the exception or error

In the example above, we have a try block that contains the code that might throw an exception. Inside the try block, we have a division operation that divides 10 by 0, which is an illegal operation. This will cause an exception to be thrown.

The catch block is used to catch and handle the exception. In this case, we are catching an exception of type const char* (a string). If an exception is thrown, the catch block will execute and the error message will be printed using the Serial.println function.

You can have multiple catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions. The catch block that matches the type of the thrown exception will execute.

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