Just saw your question… I’m the author of vue-twemoji-picker. The documentation for v^4.0.0 was a little… mess haha.
Recently I’ve updated the component to a major version (v^5.0.0) which includes a new documentation website way more detailed and visually pleasing than the another one, and maybe it will fits your needs way better than before: https://kevinf*guiar.github.io/vue-twemoji-picker/docs/getting-started/#using-twemojipicker
Also, if you don’t want to use the documentation website, this Vue snippet should work as expected:
import {
} from '@kevinf*guiar/vue-twemoji-picker';
import EmojiAllData from '@kevinf*guiar/vue-twemoji-picker/emoji-data/en/emoji-all-groups.json';
import EmojiGroups from '@kevinf*guiar/vue-twemoji-picker/emoji-data/emoji-groups.json';
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
'twemoji-textarea': TwemojiTextarea
computed: {
emojiDataAll() {
return EmojiAllData;
emojiGroups() {
return EmojiGroups;
methods: {
onEnterKey(e) {
console.log("ClickedEnter", e);
If you feel the documentation is lacking something please don’t hesitate in opening an Issue at the Github repo: https://github.com/kevinf*guiar/vue-twemoji-picker/issues
It is very exciting to know that people are using my projects and to receive feedback from the community 😃
Install it with npm install --save vue-twemoji-picker
Then add and edit this code to your component .vue file:
import { CoolPicker } from 'cool-emoji-picker'
import { CoolTextArea } from 'cool-emoji-picker'
import EmojiData from '../emoji-data/{LANG}/emoji-all-groups.json'
import EmojiDataAnimalsNature from '../emoji-data/{LANG}/emoji-group-animals-nature.json'
import EmojiDataFoodDrink from '../emoji-data/{LANG}/emoji-group-food-drink.json'
import EmojiGroups from '../emoji-data/emoji-groups.json'
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({ content }),
components: {
'coolpicker': CoolPicker,
'cooltextarea': CoolTextArea
computed: {
emojiDataAll() { return EmojiData },
emojiDataTwoCollections() {
const emojiData = []
return emojiData
emojiGroups() { return EmojiGroups }
methods: {
onEnterKey() {},
yourMethodToCatchEmojiUnicode() {},
yourMethodToCatchEmojiImg() {}