[Django]-Any way to make {% extends '…' %} conditional? – Django


Use a variable.

{% extends base_template %}

and in your view, set it to “base.html” in your view, or a new “ajax.html” file which just provides the block and nothing else.


The other answers require you to pass an additional context variable. But as long as you can access the request object, there is no need:

{% extends request.is_ajax|yesno:"app/base_ajax.html,app/base.html" %}

I found this to be much more convenient.



{% extends override_base|default:'base.html' %}

P.s. I know this is an old question, but I found it when searching for an answer. Maybe it’ll help someone else with the same problem.


You can use {% extends variable %}

Pass a variable base template name in when you create the context in the view.


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