Animated node with tag does not exist

Animated Node with Tag Does Not Exist

If you are facing an issue with an animated node not existing, it usually means that you are trying to reference or manipulate a node that does not exist in the DOM. This can happen if you have incorrectly specified the tag name or if the element has not been rendered yet.

Possible Causes

  1. Incorrect Tag Name: Double-check the tag name you are using to ensure it matches the actual HTML element in the DOM. For example, if you are trying to manipulate a div element, make sure you are using the “div” tag name.
  2. Timing Issue: If you are programmatically creating or modifying elements, make sure that the element has been added to the DOM before attempting to reference or animate it. Check if the element is being added after the animation code is executed.


                .blue-box {
                    width: 100px;
                    height: 100px;
                    background-color: blue;
                    margin: 10px;
            <div id="container"></div>
                // Attempting to animate a non-existing node with incorrect tag name
                var node = document.querySelector('.non-existing-element');
       = 'fade 2s linear';
                // Correcting the tag name to 'blue-box' that exists in the DOM
                var correctNode = document.querySelector('.blue-box');
       = 'fade 2s linear';

In the example above, there is a CSS class named “blue-box” representing a blue-colored box element. The incorrect node with class “non-existing-element” will throw an error since it does not exist in the DOM. However, the correct node with the class “blue-box” will be successfully animated as it refers to a valid element in the DOM.

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