Angular iframe external url

Sure! Here’s an HTML content example that explains how to use an Angular iframe to display an external URL:


Angular Iframe – External URL


1. The `

` element contains the complete HTML content, excluding the ``, `

`, and `` tags, as you requested.
2. Inside the main `

`, there is a `

` tag indicating the heading of the section.
3. Then, there is a separate `

` containing an input field, a label, and a button.
4. The input field allows the user to enter an external URL, while the label describes the input field.
5. When the “Load URL” button is clicked, it invokes the `loadIframe()` JavaScript function.
6. The `loadIframe()` function retrieves the entered URL from the input field and assigns it to the `src` attribute of the iframe element.
7. The iframe element is defined with an `id` of “externalIframe” for easy access in the JavaScript function.
8. The iframe’s `width` is set to “100%” and `height` to “500” for proper display.
9. Finally, there is a `