[Vuejs]-Analyze Coverage of Web Applications in Tomcat


Doing this using JaCoCo requires two steps:

1) Add jacocoagent to your Apache Tomcat, that gathers coverage data and listens on a TCP port for requests to dump those data.

In apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.bat add Javaoptions:

set JAVA_OPTS=-javaagent:c:\\path\\to\\jacoco\\lib\\jacocoagent.jar=includes=your.classes.packages.*,classdumpdir=jacocoClasses,output=tcpserver 

2) If you execute your tests using Maven, you can use the jacoco-maven-plugin for connecting to the TCP port opened by jacocoagent gathering the coverage data from your Apache Tomcat.

Incomplete example:


Beware that coverage data by JaCoCo are only applicable to exact thos .class files they have been collected with (identified by a check sum). Two compilations of a single .java file may result in .class files with different check sums. JaCoCo reports will thus declare it uncovered.

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