An itemscontrol is inconsistent with its items source

An ItemsControl is inconsistent with its ItemsSource

This error usually occurs when there is a mismatch between the data being bound to an ItemsControl in the XAML and the actual source of the data. The binding mechanism fails to find a valid source or encounters a problem while trying to bind to the source.

To better understand this issue, let’s consider an example.

    <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />


In this example, we have an ItemsControl with its ItemsSource property bound to the current data context using the {Binding} expression. We also define an ItemTemplate with a DataTemplate that displays the “Name” property of each item in the collection.

To resolve the “ItemsControl is inconsistent with its ItemsSource” error, we need to ensure that the binding source is set correctly. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Check the DataContext: Make sure that the data context is properly set for the view where the ItemsControl resides. It should be set to an object that contains the collection of items to be bound.
  2. Confirm the ItemsSource property: Verify that the ItemsSource property of the ItemsControl is correctly bound to the data source. This could be a property of the data context or any other valid source.
  3. Ensure proper item binding: Make sure that the ItemTemplate defines all the necessary bindings correctly. Check if the properties used in the DataTemplate are correctly named and accessible from the objects in the collection.

By addressing these points, you can resolve the “ItemsControl is inconsistent with its ItemsSource” error and ensure that the data is bound correctly to the ItemsControl.

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