I might have found the solution. Simply refactor the sendMail() function inside event into the main task therefore there won’t be any need to parse the object into json:
def check_for_events():
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc,second=00, microsecond=00)
events = list(Event.objects.filter(reminder_date_time__range=(now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), now)))
for event in events:
subject = 'Event Reminder'
link = None
message = ...
sendEmail.delay(subject, message, event.user.email)
def sendEmail(subject, message, email):
send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [email])
This works both with Rabbitmq and Amazon SQS
For someone returning to this post,
This happens when the serializer defined in your celery runtime config is not able to process objects passed to the celery task.
For example: if the config says JSON as required format and some Model object is supplied, above mentioned exception might be raised.
(Q): Is it explicitly necessary to define these parameters
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