Advantages and Disadvantages of Asp .Net Web Forms

 Disadvantages of ASP.Net Web Forms: Since the AJAX technique is basically used to develop RIAs and to code, AJAX Features it is necessary that the DOM (Document Object Model) of the HTML Document be created to the Web Developer ). As a result, the purpose of the ASP.NET WebForms Model was developed keeping in mind the original objective.

That is, the ASP.NET WebForms Model was originally developed keeping in mind the desktop programmers who developed Stateful Desktop Applications using Visual Basic like Event-Driven Programming Language, so that those programmers developed the Internet Being able to meet the new requirements of the time, web applications can also be developed in the same way as Visual Basic, without learning any new language (HTML, CSS, JavaScript,JQuery) in Event-Driven manner.

But now the needs of Modern Web Application Development have changed again and now the requirements have become such that the Web should be made more and more responsive and responsive, which is possible only in that situation, whereas the present-day Web Developers Web Development Understand Core Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc…) properly.

While developing ASP.NET WebForms, the main objective was to develop these Core Technologies in a statefulness manner for the web-based on the stateless HTTP Protocol Hide, as Programmers of the time were basically Desktop Programmers, which were Stateful Desktop Applications. Used to develop.

Therefore, for the present-day Modern Web Development, now those Smart Server Controls are no longer as useful as they were before AJAX to develop ASP.NET WebForms based web applications, where Web Developer related to Web Development Underlying Core Technologies did not need to touch, and these server controls themselves generated the HTML markups needed to render the webpage in an appropriate manner.

Rather, under Modern Web Development, a web developer needs to be certain about the HTML layout of the webpage that is rendered as Output in Web Browser. That is, now the web developer needs to know exactly what is the ID of the different Controls of WebForm, so that it can insert a new element into the HTML page’s DOM as needed or to make the page more interactive. Can dynamically edit, update, or delete a DOM Element.

We can understand that with the introduction of AJAX technology, Pillar, one of the three main Pillars Postbacks, View States and Server Controls of ASP.NET WebForms, has completely turned around and the HTML, CSS, JavaScript technology has been hidden from the web.

These three Pillars were defined in the ASP.NET WebForms Model for development, under the present-day Web Development Model, they have no special significance, because under Modern Web Development, these HTML to develop RIA, It has become necessary to use Core technologies like CSS, JavaScript compulsory.

Why Microsoft developed ASP.NET WebForms?

When Microsoft was developing .NET, it wasn’t just thinking about the Future. Rather, he was really concerned about the current generation and web development technologies of that time. So before we move on to learning ASP.NET, knowing about what Microsoft was worried about during the development of .NET and how Microsoft resolve them, about the capabilities of ASP.NET Will help us in knowing more better.

Knowing any development along with its history is a very simple way to know about the features and benefits provided by that technology.

Web Development Evolution

When HTTP was first established by Tim Berners-Lee, developers at the time were searching for applications that could interact with each other. That is, different electronic devices can identify each other and can share information with each other, even if those devices are directly connected to each other while they are being existed in the same room or they are being indirectly connected to each other in two different countries.

HTML and XML were developed to meet this type of need. Where HTML was designed as a simple markup language that describes how to display a Rich Document in a cross-platform manner on different computers. Whereas XML was actually a set of rules that provided the facility to define data as a Platform Neutral Data Format so that this type of data could be accessed on any computer system or device in a platform-independent way.

At the time the Microsoft Company was busy developing a new Programming Language to meet the new type of requirements, the development of the Internet was also growing rapidly. Therefore Microsoft not only needed to develop a new Programming Language to cater to the new kind of needs but also needed to develop a framework that could be used to design, develop any application in the future, and had to be easy to deploy.

Keeping this kind of needs in mind, Microsoft developed ASP.NET 1.0. Whereas before ASP.NET, web development work was done in a very difficult and un-standardized way, due to which Sharing of Information between different types of devices and Cross-Platform Interaction between different types of devices was quite difficult.

Prior to ASP.NET, only technologies like ASP, PHP, and CGI were used to develop server-based web applications, under which the server-side codes related to Dynamic Content were embedded within the web page.

As a result, Resultant Server-Side Web Page became quite complex as both Presentation Layer and Manipulation Layer mixed with each other in this type of web pages, it very complicated to manage and maintain such web pages and because these servers did not provide any Modern Integrated Framework for Side Languages, Web Application Development.

In simple words, all the frameworks built before ASP.NET were either Scripting Language-based, which were Interpreted in Server Side or were small Separate Application Programs, executed by Server Side Calls. Used to be done. Web applications such as ASP and ColdFusion comes into the first category, while CGI with PERL or Python-based web applications comes into the second category.

In the first category of Web Applications, Server Side Codes were also embedded between HTML Elements, which were parsing by Web Server to generate Dynamic Content. The speed of this type of web applications was very low as these applications were basically based on an Interpreter Based Scripting Language.

The second category of web applications was affected by another type of problem, which was PERL or Python based CGI Applications. Because these Web Applications had a Separate Application Program Run to meet every Server Side Requirement, these types of applications were however much faster to execute than the first category of Web Applications.

 But for every request, there was a separate Copy Create of these Server-Side applications, due to which it was possible to fulfill very few concurrent requests because the Server Side RAM was not so much that thousands of requests per Second were fulfilled. To do this, thousands of Copies of the same Server-Side Program could be loaded into memory. Therefore, the performance of such web applications was also not very useful. That is, in fact, there was a Time-Space Tradeoff between the applications of both the categories.

Keeping in mind the shortcomings of both these types of web applications, Microsoft has tried to develop a web application development model in the form of ASP.NET, so that it is possible to resolve the shortcomings of both the above categories.

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