

The “addpooleddbcontextfactory” is a configuration option or property used in various programming frameworks or environments to specify or configure the connection pool’s database context factory. This option is used when you want to define a custom factory for creating new database contexts within the connection pool.

A connection pool allows multiple client applications to share a single database connection or a set of database connections, thus improving performance and scalability. Whenever a new application needs to access the database, it can retrieve a database context from the connection pool rather than creating a new connection each time.


Let’s consider an example of a Java web application that utilizes a connection pool to manage database connections.

<Resource name="jdbc/myDataSource" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
          maxTotal="100" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis="10000"
          username="dbuser" password="dbpass"
          factory="com.example.MyDBContextFactory" />
  • name: Specifies the name of the resource, which can be referenced in the application.
  • auth: Defines the authentication type for the resource (e.g., Container, Application, etc.).
  • type: Specifies the javax.sql.DataSource interface to be used for the resource.
  • maxTotal: Specifies the maximum number of total (both active and idle) database connections in the pool.
  • maxIdle: Specifies the maximum number of idle (unused) database connections that can be retained in the pool.
  • maxWaitMillis: Specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) that the application should wait for a new connection from the pool before throwing an exception.
  • driverClassName: Specifies the fully qualified name of the JDBC driver class used for the database connection.
  • url: Specifies the database connection URL.
  • username: Specifies the username for accessing the database.
  • password: Specifies the password for accessing the database.
  • factory: Specifies the custom factory class responsible for creating new database contexts (objects) within the connection pool. In this example, it is set to “com.example.MyDBContextFactory”.

By providing a custom factory class, you can have more control over how the database contexts are created or managed within the connection pool. This allows you to implement additional logic or customizations during the creation of new database contexts.

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