Additional arguments should be named _, got ‘autoload’


The error message you are seeing is related to the syntax used for naming additional arguments in a function call. In Python, when calling a function, you can provide additional arguments by specifying their names followed by an equals sign (=) and the corresponding values.

However, it seems that you have provided an argument named “autoload” without specifying its dialect name. To fix this issue, you need to specify the name of the dialect for the “autoload” argument. For example, if you are using the SQLAlchemy library to connect to a database, you can provide the dialect name “mysql” as follows:

         # Example code using SQLAlchemy and specifying dialect name
         from sqlalchemy import create_engine
         engine = create_engine('mysql://user:password@localhost/database', autoload=True)

In the above example, the dialect name “mysql” is specified for the “autoload” argument. You should replace “mysql” with the appropriate dialect name according to the database you are connecting to.

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