[Answered ]-Accessing other form fields in a custom Django upload handler


My solution didn’t come easy, but here it is:

class IntelligentUploadHandler(FileUploadHandler):
    An upload handler which overrides the default multipart parser to allow
    simultaneous parsing of fields and files... intelligently. Subclass this
    for real and true awesomeness.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(IntelligentUploadHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def field_parsed(self, field_name, field_value):
        A callback method triggered when a non-file field has been parsed 
        successfully by the parser. Use this to listen for new fields being

    def handle_raw_input(self, input_data, META, content_length, boundary,
            encoding = None):
        Parse the raw input from the HTTP request and split items into fields
        and files, executing callback methods as necessary.

        Shamelessly adapted and borrowed from django.http.multiparser.MultiPartParser.
        # following suit from the source class, this is imported here to avoid
        # a potential circular import
        from django.http import QueryDict

        # create return values
        self.POST = QueryDict('', mutable=True)
        self.FILES = MultiValueDict()

        # initialize the parser and stream
        stream = LazyStream(ChunkIter(input_data, self.chunk_size))

        # whether or not to signal a file-completion at the beginning of the loop.
        old_field_name = None
        counter = 0

            for item_type, meta_data, field_stream in Parser(stream, boundary):
                if old_field_name:
                    # we run this test at the beginning of the next loop since
                    # we cannot be sure a file is complete until we hit the next
                    # boundary/part of the multipart content.
                    file_obj = self.file_complete(counter)

                    if file_obj:
                        # if we return a file object, add it to the files dict
                        self.FILES.appendlist(force_text(old_field_name, encoding,
                            errors='replace'), file_obj)

                    # wipe it out to prevent havoc
                    old_field_name = None
                    disposition = meta_data['content-disposition'][1]
                    field_name = disposition['name'].strip()
                except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError):

                transfer_encoding = meta_data.get('content-transfer-encoding')

                if transfer_encoding is not None:
                    transfer_encoding = transfer_encoding[0].strip()

                field_name = force_text(field_name, encoding, errors='replace')

                if item_type == FIELD:
                    # this is a POST field
                    if transfer_encoding == "base64":
                        raw_data = field_stream.read()
                            data = str(raw_data).decode('base64')
                            data = raw_data
                        data = field_stream.read()

                    self.POST.appendlist(field_name, force_text(data, encoding,

                    # trigger listener
                    self.field_parsed(field_name, self.POST.get(field_name))
                elif item_type == FILE:
                    # this is a file
                    file_name = disposition.get('filename')

                    if not file_name:

                    # transform the file name
                    file_name = force_text(file_name, encoding, errors='replace')
                    file_name = self.IE_sanitize(unescape_entities(file_name))

                    content_type = meta_data.get('content-type', ('',))[0].strip()

                        charset = meta_data.get('content-type', (0, {}))[1].get('charset', None)
                        charset = None

                        file_content_length = int(meta_data.get('content-length')[0])
                    except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
                        file_content_length = None

                    counter = 0

                    # now, do the important file stuff
                        # alert on the new file
                        self.new_file(field_name, file_name, content_type,
                                file_content_length, charset)

                        # chubber-chunk it
                        for chunk in field_stream:
                            if transfer_encoding == "base64":
                                # base 64 decode it if need be
                                over_bytes = len(chunk) % 4

                                if over_bytes:
                                    over_chunk = field_stream.read(4 - over_bytes)
                                    chunk += over_chunk

                                    chunk = base64.b64decode(chunk)
                                except Exception as e:
                                    # since this is anly a chunk, any error is an unfixable error
                                    raise MultiPartParserError("Could not decode base64 data: %r" % e)

                            chunk_length = len(chunk)
                            self.receive_data_chunk(chunk, counter)
                            counter += chunk_length
                            # ... and we're done
                    except SkipFile:
                        # just eat the rest
                        # handle file upload completions on next iteration
                        old_field_name = field_name

        except StopUpload as e:
            # if we get a request to stop the upload, exhaust it if no con reset
            if not e.connection_reset:
            # make sure that the request data is all fed

        # signal the upload has been completed

        return self.POST, self.FILES

    def IE_sanitize(self, filename):
        """Cleanup filename from Internet Explorer full paths."""
        return filename and filename[filename.rfind("\\")+1:].strip()

Essentially, by subclassing this class, you can have a more… intelligent upload handler. Fields will be announced with the field_parsed method to subclasses, as I needed for my purposes.

I’ve reported this as a feature request to the Django team, hopefully this functionality becomes a part of the regular toolbox in Django, rather than monkey-patching the source code as done above.


Based on the code for FileUploadHandler, found here at line 62:


It looks like the request object is passed into the handler and stored as self.request

In that case you should be able to access the salt at any point in your upload handler by doing

salt = self.request.POST.get('salt')

Unless I’m misunderstanding your question.

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