Assuming name is an attribute on your instance test getattr(test, 'name')
should return the corresponding value. Or test.__dict__['name']
You can read more about getattr()
here: http://effbot.org/zone/python-getattr.htm
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Other answers still stand, but now you can do this using Django’s _meta.get_field().
Note that the Model _meta API has begun its official support and documentation as of 1.8, but has been distributed and used in prior versions before its official documentation.
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In Python, you can normally access values within an object that has a dict method.
Let’s say you have this class:
class Dog(object):
def __init___(self, color):
self.color = color
And then I instantiate it:
dog = Dog('brown')
So i can see the color by doing:
print dog.color
I can also see the color by doing:
print dog.__dict__['color']
I can set the color:
print dog.__dict__['color'] = 'green'
print dog.color
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