What I do is switch to SQLite when I want to run tests. It takes a lot less time to setup the test database in SQLite.
You can easily accomplish this by using a modified settings file:
$ python manage.py test my_app --settings=test_settings
Or in my case,
$ python manage.py test my_app --settings=settings.test
as I use the “settings as a package” scheme.
You can accelerate tests runing them in sqlite db stored in memory
DATABASES['default'] = {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': ':memory:'
- [Django]-Merge two model instance in Django
- [Django]-Alternatives to the default django template system
- [Django]-Optimizing djangos count() method
Take a look at this article. It has many useful tips like:
- Changing the password hashing function to MD5 (made huge improvement for me).
- Using a faster in-memory DB.
- Disabling unneeded apps and middleware.