A Potentially Dangerous Request.Path Value Was Detected From The Client

When you encounter the error message “A potentially dangerous request.path value was detected from the client”, it means that the web server detected a potentially harmful or malicious input in the URL path sent by the client (usually a web browser). This error is often triggered by special characters or sequences that could be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks or other security vulnerabilities.

To prevent this type of attack, ASP.NET (assuming you are referring to ASP.NET due to the mention of “request.path”) has built-in security measures that automatically detect and block dangerous input. By default, ASP.NET treats certain characters and sequences as potentially dangerous and rejects them. This behavior is controlled by the requestPathInvalidCharacters configuration setting in the web.config file.

To illustrate this with an example, let’s say you have a web application that accepts a parameter in the URL path for displaying a specific page. You have a page called “products” that can be accessed using the following URL:


In this case, the application expects the parameter after “products/” to be an alphanumeric value (e.g., 123). If a user or attacker tries to manipulate the URL by including dangerous characters or sequences, such as:


ASP.NET’s request validation feature will detect the potentially dangerous input and reject the request, resulting in the “A potentially dangerous request.path value was detected from the client” error. This helps protect your application from XSS attacks or other security vulnerabilities that can be caused by unsanitized user input.

To resolve this issue, you should carefully validate and sanitize user input before using it in your application. One way to achieve this is by using input validation techniques, such as whitelisting allowed characters, encoding the input, or using regular expressions to match a specific pattern.

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