This is part of my working code. I’ve create component which may have (or not) several form fields. All that comes from JSON.
I’ve created a loop and iterate there 4 components for text, options, checkbox and stars(for a rating).
<div v-for="(elem, ind) in problem.problem_config.structure">
<con-text v-if="elem.type === 'text'"
<con-option v-if="elem.type === 'option'"
<con-checkbox v-if="elem.type === 'checkbox'"
<con-stars v-if="elem.type === 'stars'"
for example text input looks like this
<div class="field" style="margin-bottom:14px">
<p class="description">{{element.description}}</p>
export default {
name: 'con-text',
props: ['element', 'value'],
data: function () {
return {
content: this.value ? this.value : ''
watch: {
content: function (val) {
let obj = {
id: this.element.id,
name: this.element.name,
type: this.element.type,
value: val,
description: this.element.description
this.$emit('edit', obj)
option form:
<div class="field" style="margin-bottom:14px">
<select class="ui fluid dropdown" v-model="content">
<option disabled value="">{{element.description}}</option>
<option v-for="opt of element.value" :key="opt.value" :value="opt.value">
<p class="description">{{element.description}}</p>
/* global $ */
export default {
name: 'con-option',
props: ['element', 'value'],
data: function () {
return {
content: this.value ? this.value.value : null
watch: {
content: function (val) {
let selectedEl = this.element.value.find(o => o.value === val)
let valObj = {value: val, label: selectedEl.label}
let obj = {
id: this.element.id,
name: this.element.name,
type: this.element.type,
value: valObj,
description: this.element.description
this.$emit('edit', obj)
mounted: function () {
Basically idea is to create each field as component and pass properties there. And you can make more custom form than you have now.