[Solved]-Amazon EC2 AMI pre-configured with Django Stack



It might be better take a standard well known image and install the software. The Ubuntu installation is quick and easy. In my case I’ve had no trouble using the ubuntu-maverick-10.10-amd64-server AMI from Canonical to build up a Pylons stack. For your requirements you could start with this AMI and then using

sudo tasksel --section server

and selecting the LAMP components (space-bar to select) you get Apache and MySQL. Then

sudo apt-get install python-django python-django-doc

gets you Django. See more details here.

Of course custom configuration is another matter β€” which for my level of Apache experience is a slow process.



[This worked for me, so, adding it as one of the answers]

I wasted nearly 4-5 hours after using bitniami djangostack AMI, finally got my django project working using this guide:


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