piggybacking on @supervacuo’s answer:
there is a way to get this working for syntastic and it’s rather straightforward, if not easy to figure out for someone unfamiliar with syntastic options (like, say, me):
in your .vimrc, add this line:
let g:syntastic_python_pylint_args = "--load-plugins pylint_django"
of course, this does require pylint-django
be installed in your environment
Both of these messages come from pylint
— you can see fuller explanations with pylint --help-msg=$ID
, or on http://pylint-messages.wikidot.com/.
You can disable the checks with e.g. from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
, but that gets tiresome pretty quickly.
# pylint: disable=F0401
There’s a pylint plugin for Django which will definitely fix your E1101 (and I hope the F0401 too). Maybe have a go at installing the plugin and configuring Syntastic to use it?
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