Use self.partial
in the validate method to find out if it’s a partial update.
def validate(self, data):
if self.partial:
print("Partial update")
return data
you can define validate_< field_name > method to validate specific field, in this way if the field is included in request data, it will be validated; otherwise it will not be validated.
For example:
def validate_year_start(self, value):
year_start = value
request = self._context["request"]
user_dob = request.user.dob
age = request.user.age
current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
if not user_dob:
user_dob = relativedelta(current_time, years=age)
if year_start < user_dob.year:
raise serializers.ValidationError({"year_start":"Year-start can't be before user's DOB"})
return value
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