[Solved]-How to generate new content with Hyde?


Hyde does not have commands to create new files. You can create the file in your favorite editor and save it in the correct directory.

For example, if you want a blog post with this url:

you have do the following:

  1. Create the directory blog/2010/01/05 under your content folder
  2. Use a text editor to create your post
  3. Save the file in the directory you created in step 1
  4. When you do hyde gen and hyde serve – you will see the file show up in that url


I have written a project called Ghorg which provides a command-line utility for managing a collection of org-mode blog posts, publishing them as html to your hyde site, and invoking the hyde generation and publishing features. This is purely a utility of convenience in that you no longer have to go to your site repository to use it.

I think if, say, some vim users or people who want the post management but not org-mode publish but perhaps markdown or something else (right now its hard-coded to just open emacs) – if those people wanted to help make this more generic then well that’d be great.

Ghorg: Org for Hyde

    dlacewell@scarf$ ghorg -h
    usage: ghorg [-h] [-b] [-p] [-s SITE] [--config CONFIG] [-l] [-n [N]] [-P]
                 [-U] [-e] [-t TEMPLATE] [-D]
                 [title [title ...]]

    Manage your Ghorg blog.

    positional arguments:
      title                 all arguments will be joined with hyphen for filename
                            `ghorg post title' => `2012-01-12-post-title.org'

    optional arguments:
       h, --help            show this help message and exit
       b, --build           Perform configured Hyde build step.
       p, --publish         Perform configured Hyde publishing step. (implies -b/--        build)
       s SITE, --site SITE  Path to the root of the Hyde site.
       config CONFIG        Filename of Hyde configuration for building.
       l, --list            List previous posts (-n to change count).
       n [N]                Change number of posts listed (default:5).
       P                    Set post as published.
       U                    Set post as unpublished.
       e                    Mix with -P/-U to edit while changing publishing
       t TEMPLATE           Location of template for new posts.
       D                    Delete existing post.        

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