I once did it this way. No better way I could think of.
from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED
for f in instance._meta.fields:
if f.default <> NOT_PROVIDED:
setattr(instance, f.name, f.default)
# treatment of None values, in your words, to handle fields not marked with null=True
# treatment ends
Note: In my case all the fields, did have default value.
Hope it’ll help. Happy Coding.
def reset( self, fields=[], exclude=[] ):
fields = fields or filter( lambda x: x.name in fields, self._meta.fields )
exclude.append( 'id' )
for f in filter( lambda x: x.name not in exclude, fields ):
if getattr( f, 'auto_now_add', False ):
if f.blank or f.has_default():
setattr( self, f.name, f.get_default() )
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This method is mainly applicable for resetting a single value to a default, but can be adapted. It resets the rego_update
property for all my Event
Alternatively, to apply it individually (i.e. to trigger custom save
default = Event().rego_update # Hack to fetch the default
for event in Event.objects.all():
event.rego_update = default
To adapt this to reset all values for a single instance, you could manually reset each value with a default.
Alternatively, you could loop through the attributes similar to other answers here, but this will have issues with fields that have no default (or cannot be edited).
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After you’ve made changes to that instance but before you’ve “saved” it, I assume? I think you’ll probably need to re-retrieve it from the database… I don’t think that Django model instances keep a “history” of changes that have been made to an instance.
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Assign None to all fields that are not nullable, by checking the .null
field attribute:
for name, value in {f.name: None for f in self._meta.fields if f.null}:
setattr(instance, name, value)
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You can use self.your_field =self.__class__._meta.get_field('your_field').default
Please note you should wrap this into a try/except while depending on your django’s version get_field
might get some other name
Another solution would be to create a blank model instance and then update the current one with it, like this:
def reset(self):
new_instance = type(self)()
or if you want to keep the model id:
def reset(self):
new_instance = type(self)(id=self.id)
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