Yes, with Dustjs you can “have a template inherit the bulk of its content from a common base template”.
Check out the Dustjs docs, here: Dustjs, the “Blocks and Inline Partials” section.
(I posted an answer to a related question, here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12432034/694469 )
There’s also some work in progress on adding template inheritance to Handlebars, see another answer of mine to “the other version” of this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12432490/694469.
It links to this GitHub issue: https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/issues/208, and this blog post: Template Inheritance for Handlebars
Jade offers full template inheritance: https://github.com/visionmedia/jade#a11
In addition to overriding a block entirely, you can also append or prepend content to a block. Here is an example hijacked from the documentation:
Define a base template in layout.html:
h1 My Site - #{title}
block scripts
block content
block foot
p some footer content
Append some script tags and replace the content section in content.html:
extends layout
block append head
block content
block sidebar
p nothing
block primary
p nothing
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