[Fixed]-Django: MEDIA_URL not set in template


models.ImageField has a property called url which gives you the browsable path of your image.

You should be using artist.artist_image.url instead of prepending MEDIA_URL to your image name manually:

<img class="avatar secondary-content" src="{{artist.artist_image.url}}" />

Make sure artist_image is not None, otherwise calling .url throws an exception.


You need to define the django.template.context_processors.media template context processor in your settings for MEDIA_URL variable to be present in the template context.

If this processor is enabled, every RequestContext will contain a
variable MEDIA_URL, providing the value of the MEDIA_URL setting.

Including this in your settings will include MEDIA_URL in the template context. It is not included by default in Django 1.8 settings. We need to set it explicitly.

context_processors = [
    'django.template.context_processors.media', # set this explicitly


You need to define this in settings
so you can put {{MEDIA_URL}} in templates

context_processors = [
    'django.template.context_processors.media', # set this explicitly

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