This works for me:
select_data = {"d": """strftime('%%m/%%d/%%Y', time_stamp)"""}
data = My_Model.objects.extra(select=select_data).values('d').annotate(Sum("numbers_data")).order_by()
Took a bit to figure out I had to escape the % signs.
As of v1.8, you can use Func() expressions.
For example, if you happen to be targeting AWS Redshift’s date and time functions:
from django.db.models import F, Func, Value
def TimezoneConvertedDateF(field_name, tz_name):
tz_fn = Func(Value(tz_name), F(field_name), function='CONVERT_TIMEZONE')
dt_fn = Func(tz_fn, function='TRUNC')
return dt_fn
Then you can use it like this:
SomeDbModel.objects \
'America/New_York')) \
or like this:
SomeDbModel.objects \
'America/New_York')) \
.values('the_date') \
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Any reason not to just do this in the database, by running the following query against the database:
select date, sum(numbers_data)
from my_model
group by date;
If your answer is, the date is a datetime with non-zero hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds, my answer is to use a date function to truncate the datetime, but I can’t tell you exactly what that is without knowing what RBDMS you’re using.
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I’m not sure about strftime, my solution below is using sql postgres trunc…
select_data = {"date": "date_trunc('day', creationtime)"}
ttl = ReportWebclick.objects.using('cms')\
.values('date', 'tone_name', 'singer', 'parthner', 'price', 'period')\
.annotate(loadcount=Sum('loadcount'), buycount=Sum('buycount'), cancelcount=Sum('cancelcount'))\
.order_by('date', 'parthner')
— equal to sql query execution:
select date_trunc('month', creationtime) as date, tone_name, sum(loadcount), sum(buycount), sum(cancelcount) from webclickstat group by tone_name, date;
my solution like this when my db is mysql:
select_data = {"date":"""FROM_UNIXTIME( action_time,'%%Y-%%m-%%d')"""}
qs = ViewLogs.objects.filter().extra(select=select_data).values('mall_id', 'date').annotate(pv=Count('id'), uv=Count('visitor_id', distinct=True))
to use which function, you can read mysql datetime processor docs like DATE_FORMAT,FROM_UNIXTIME…