[Fixed]-Can't git-push to heroku due to "Build stream timed out"


I’m seeing this now. When I check https://status.heroku.com/ I see that there is an issue and they write “We have temporarily disabled application builds to reduce error rate while we continue investigating this issue.”

So the issue is probably not related to your app.


Wait an hour and then try again, I’m not kidding!


Mine did that for a while then eventually just went through without me doing anything.



I had a similar problem, and going to the “Activity” tab for the app on my Heroku dashboard, I can see details of the build. For me, the details indicated the slug size was too large. Try going to your Heroku dashboard and get more info about the reason for the build failing.


The solution for me was to push the changes gradually. I picked an older commit and pushed that first, before pushing HEAD. Apparently, there were just too many commits to be processed.


I didn’t find the reason for this problem, and I don’t know how to fix it.
However, I bypass it by cloning the project to a new workspace directory and work from there. I guess something just became corrupted in my previous working directory


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