Chartjs-How to manipulate with the y-axis values in chartjs


in the options scales, yAxis add a stepsize

options: {
 scales: {
   xAxis: { grid: { display: false } },
   yAxis: { 
     grid: { borderDash: [3, 5] },
     ticks: {stepSize: 5}


Alternatively you could set the min/max of the y-axis scale as shown in this example

scales: {
      y: {
        min: 0,
        max: 25,

I just found the place in the documentation where Amin’s solution is discussed, I figure I’d put a reference here for convenience.

y: {
        title: {
          display: true,
          text: 'Value'
        min: 0,
        max: 100,
        ticks: {
          // forces step size to be 50 units
          stepSize: 5

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